The Clean Mandi Plan
Pain points were identified in the waste collection system of government fruits and vegetables markets in India (Sabji Mandis) through design research methods of 10+ interviews, shadowing stakeholders, and journey mapping. A service-based solution is provided to make the system
efficient, sustainable, and sanitation worker centric. This project was shortlisted as one of the Top 7 entries nationally at the CII Young Designer Awards, 2022 for the service design category.

Duration: 2 months
Team Members: Yash Sharma, Riya Joshia, Tarun Haribhasker, Mansi Srivastava
Activities done as a group: Research and Mapping
Individual contribution & outcome: Ideation and final design solution
We chose to work with Sabji Mandis as they are colorful places with endless interesting activities. They are an integral part of our everyday lives, as well as an important cog in the economic and health sectors of the country. To accomplish our goal of improving this system, it was understood that we must design for specific behaviour of people in this context.
In the beginning, there was no brief defined. We studied the Sabji Mandi system as a whole. Eventually, through the process, the sanitation problem was understood. The project is based on intensive Primary and Secondary Research: talking to stakeholders in the field, interviewing them, and recording observations.
Mapping our research findings helped us understand all our observations in a clear manner. It helped us make sense of how different components are connected and influence each other. A Giga Map was made that laid out routines, behaviors, the flow of goods and people as well as spaces of the system. User Journey maps, and empathy maps helped us understand our stakeholder's behaviors better. Detailed Task Flows brought to light the nuances of everyday interactions. For the sake of brevity, shown here is an overview of the maps.
Identified Opportunity
The situation of fruits and vegetable markets in India is that of uncleared waste because of a waste collection system that does not work. The identified opportunity was to address the gap in hygiene and sanitation in a fruits and vegetables retail mandi. How can we as designers bring in a holistic approach — keeping in mind the behaviors and needs of all the stakeholders involved?
The project is taken forward by considering the behaviors of all 3 stakeholders involved- the Customer, the Vendor, and the Sanitation worker. By studying the interactions of these people with the system, as well as each other, a service is proposed that aims to enhance their experience.
A Systemic Intervention
Elaborated below is the design for a service that tackles the waste problem from a Systems perspective. The designed service can be implemented by government authorities of Agricultural Produce Marketing Committees (APMC's) to state markets, or to smaller government-managed Sabji Mandis. The holistic design solution is a 4 part intervention for the improvement and maintenance of hygiene in the market. It spans Space, Digital Technology, Processes, and Community.
At the end of the day....
The impact of this solution can be seen in 2 parts: in health, and in business. Open disposal of garbage- and failure to clear it out can become a serious health hazard over time. The most impacted by this will be the shop vendors- that spend their entire day at the market. Contamination of produce that is being sold, as well as the spread of issues like flu and skin diseases, are serious concerns that can arise from open waste in the vicinity of high public activity.

 A clean market where fresh produce can be bought is a major attraction for anyone leading a healthy life. A space cluttered with peels, waste, and muck can be a deterrent for potential customers that value a good shopping experience. Better hygiene means a better experience for shoppers, which means better business.
Other Ideas
Before coming to the topic of sanitation, other ideas were brainstormed as well. All stakeholders were thought about one by one. Shown below are some sketches of the same. In a rich context like a Sabji Mandi, there can be many exciting little pieces of interventions that can be considered deeply.